Pure CSS3 LavaLamp Menu | Script Tutorials Pure CSS3 LavaLamp Menu | Script Tutorials





 <<< Membership >>>




Jordan Chamber of Commerce is a member in the following institutions and organizations:

At Local Level:

Board member of the following corporations:

Jordan Economic Projects Development Corporation (JEDCO).
Social Security Corporation.
Higher Investment Committee.
Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council.
The Higher Council for Science and
Amman World Trade Center.
Jordan Investment Board.
Jordan Institution for
Standards & Metrology

At Arab Level:

General Union of Chambers
of Commerce, Industry and
Agriculture of Arab Countries.
Arab Labor Organization.
Joint Arab Committees.

At International Level:

Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
International Labor Organization.
Board member of the Joint Foreign-Arab Chambers of Commerce in Europe, America, and Asia.
ICC / Jordan









© 2013
Jordan Chamber of Commerce , All rights reserved