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 <<< MAIA-TAQA >>>



Background and project information

Acronym: MAIA-TAQA

Full title: Mobilizing new Areas of Investments And Together Aiming to increase Quality of life for AllThematic objective: A.2 Support to education, research, technological development and innovation

Priority: A.2.2 SMEs access to research and innovation

Countries: Greece, Egypt, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Spain

Project Duration: 01.09.2019 – 31.08.2022 (36 months)

Total budget: 3.167.463,34 EUR

JoCC budget: 562.030 EUR

ENI CBC Med Programme contribution: 2.850.717,01 (90%)

Website: http://www.enicbcmed.eu/projects/maia-taqa 

Thematic Objectives: A.2 – Support to education, research, technological development and innovation (promote economic and social development)


Kick-off meeting for the EU-funded ENI CBC MED project MAIA-TAQA

MAIA-TAQA: solar thermal cooling pilot project in Aqaba begins

MAIA-TAQA brochure is now available in Arabic, Greek and Italian

Meeting of the MAIA-TAQA project partners and technical team members

Jordan: MAIA-TAQA project signed an engineering services contract to prepare tendering documents

The MAIA-TAQA project partner 'Jordan Chamber of Commerce' is looking for an External Financial Coordinator

Resource and energy efficiency: Discussing the implementation of pilot projects in Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan

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Jordan Chamber of Commerce , All rights reserved